Luminarts Cultural Foundation Fellowship

Applications for open. Fellowship Programs are listed below. For general questions about program eligibility please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Luminarts at or 312-435-5961.

Luminarts Classical Winds Fellowship

The Luminarts Classical Winds Fellowship awards a $10,000 unrestricted Fellowship to one classical wind player per year. Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.

Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT.

***Please note audition schedules and selection processes are subject to change.***

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

· Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying

· Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop.

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.

Submission Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your application:

· Video recordings which will be reviewed by a panel of jurors;

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/Resume.

Read below for specific details about each of these components.

Video Samples:

Applicants must attach video samples of each of the three repertoire categories listed below. You may record a video using a mobile device or other recording equipment, or submit professional recordings from performances. Your recordings will be used for judging purposes. You may submit one recording of all three requirements, or split requirements up into separate files. The total length of the recording must be no longer than 20 minutes.

· Some of the repertoire requirements are longer than 20 minutes. Use your best judgment on which portions of the requirements to submit.

· YouTube/Google Drive link or file uploads are allowed.

· File name should be the title of the piece if samples are broken up into separate files.

· File names may not include your name or other personal information.

· Please provide the highest quality recordings possible and note a variety of selections within the guidelines is preferred.

· All submissions must be unedited except for purposes of shortening the submission or cutting separate selections together.

· Please save all recordings in the event we need you to resubmit any of the materials.

Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)

Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.

Repertoire Requirements:

Please submit your repertoire list in the designated field on the application. Please list the pieces in the order they are submitted in the video section.

Repertoire (recommended to play with an accompanist):

· One (1) complete concerto from memory

· One (1) sonata with piano (memory not required)

· One (1) contrasting modern or contemporary composition, 1945 - Present (memory not required)

 *Applicants are required to include at least one piece written by a composer with a historically underrepresented identity (including but not limited to a BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or woman composer).

*It is recommended that the concerto and the sonata represent different music periods.

*To best showcase your talent, jurors recommend you work with your accompanist to cut any music where the accompanist is playing for a long period of time.

After Submitting Your Application

You will receive a confirmation email immediately after successfully submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk filter settings. If you still have not received confirmation after submitting your application, please contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at

If selected as a finalist, you will schedule an audition online from a list of available audition times. Please note, there is no fee to book an audition.

Applicants will be notified via email by Wednesday, February 19, 2025 if they have been selected as a finalist. The final auditions will take place on the morning of Thursday, March 20, 2025 at the Union League Club of Chicago.

Audition times are not guaranteed until you receive an email confirmation from Luminarts with the booked audition time.

What to Bring to the Final Audition

Wind finalists must bring an accompanist with them to the final audition.

Finalists will be asked to select repertoire for the final audition. At a minimum, you must include at least one piece from each of the repertoire categories above. We encourage you to personalize your repertoire selection to best represent your skill and artistry. Bring three (3) copies of a list of your repertoire to the audition, as well as three (3) copies of your sheet music. Jurors will request selections based off your repertoire list. Be prepared to perform any selections listed on your repertoire list. Audition slots are ten-twelve (10-12) minutes per finalist; therefore, jurors will not request every selection be performed. If a selected piece does not have accompaniment, perform the piece as the composer intended it to be performed.

Final Audition Date:

Thursday, March 20, 2025 (morning)

Final Audition Location:

Union League Club of Chicago, 65 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago

After the Final Audition

Winds finalists will be notified by 12 p.m. CT on the day following their audition whether they have been selected as a winner and Luminarts Fellow.

Cancelling/Rescheduling Auditions

Applicants will be able to cancel or reschedule an existing audition by contacting Luminarts at The deadline to schedule or to cancel an existing audition is Friday, March 14, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. CT. Any applicant who cancels an audition after the deadline or is a no call/no show to a scheduled audition without previously contacting Luminarts will be disqualified from any future Luminarts programs.

Applicants who arrive five (5) minutes past their scheduled audition time will not be able to audition.

Warm-Up Room Information

Warm-up space cannot be guaranteed, so please come to the final audition warmed up.

Luminarts Classical Strings Fellowship

The Luminarts Classical Strings Fellowship awards a $10,000 unrestricted Fellowship to one classical string player per year. Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.

Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT.

***Please note audition schedules and selection processes are subject to change.***


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

· Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying

· Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop.

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.


Submission Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your application before submitting your application:

· Video recordings which will be reviewed by a panel of jurors;

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/Resume.

Read below for specific details about each of these components.


Video Sample:

Applicants must attach video samples of each of the three repertoire categories listed below. You may record a video using a mobile device or other recording equipment, or submit professional recordings from performances. Your recordings will be used for judging purposes. You may submit one recording of all three requirements, or split requirements up into separate files. The total length of the recording must be no longer than 20 minutes.

-The applicants’ hands must be visible in relative close-up to best showcase the applicant’s artistry and skill.

-Some of the repertoire requirements are longer than 20 minutes. Use your best judgment on which portions of the requirements to submit.

-File name should be the title of the piece if samples are broken up into separate videos.

-File names and videos may not include your name or other personal information.

-Please provide the highest quality recordings possible and note a variety of selections within the guidelines is preferred.

-All submissions must be unedited except for purposes of shortening the submission or cutting separate selections together.

-Please save all recordings and videos in the event we need you to resubmit any of the materials. 


Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)


Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.


Repertoire Requirements:

Please submit your repertoire list in the designated field on the application. Please list the pieces in the order they are submitted in the video section.


Repertoire (recommended to play with an accompanist):

· One (1) concerto from memory

· One (1) sonata with piano (memory not required)

· One (1) other piece approximately 12-15 minutes in length (not a movement from a larger piece - memory not required)


*One of these selections must be contemporary (1945 - Present).

*Applicants are required to include at least one piece written by a composer with a historically underrepresented identity (including but not limited to a BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or woman composer).

*To best showcase your talent, jurors recommend you work with your accompanist to cut any music where the accompanist is playing for a long period of time.


After Submitting Your Application

You will receive a confirmation email immediately after successfully submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk filter settings. If you still have not received confirmation after submitting your application, please contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at

Applicants will be notified by or before Wednesday, February 19, 2025, as to whether they have been selected as a finalist.


The final audition is a live event from 6:00 - 8:00 PM CT on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at the Arts Club of Chicago. You must be available for the final audition at the time of your application. All finalists will receive a $300 honorable mention award. String finalists must bring an accompanist with them to the final audition.


What to Bring to the Final Audition

String finalists must bring an accompanist with them to the final audition.

Finalists will be asked to select repertoire for the final audition. At a minimum, you must include at least one piece from each of the repertoire categories above. We encourage you to personalize your repertoire selection to best represent your skill and artistry. Bring three (3) copies of a list of your repertoire to the audition, as well as three (3) copies of your sheet music. Jurors will request selections based off your repertoire list. Be prepared to perform any selections listed on your repertoire list. Audition slots are ten to twelve (10-12) minutes per finalist; therefore, jurors will not request every selection be performed. If a selected piece does not have accompaniment, perform the piece as the composer intended it to be performed.


Please note: there will not be a warm-up space provided for the finals, so please come warmed up!

Luminarts Classical Piano Fellowship

The Luminarts Classical Piano Fellowship awards a $10,000 unrestricted Fellowship to one classical pianist per year. Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.

Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT.

***Please note audition schedules and selection processes are subject to change.***


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

· Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying

· Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop.

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.


Submission Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your application:

· Video recordings which will be reviewed by a panel of jurors;

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/Resume.

Read below for specific details about each of these components.


Video Sample:

Applicants must attach video of excerpts from each of the repertoire categories listed below. You may record a video using a mobile device or other recording equipment, or submit professional recordings from performances. Your recordings will be used for judging purposes. You may submit one recording of all requirements, or split requirements up into separate files. The total length of the recording must be no longer than 20 minutes.

-The applicants’ hands must be visible in relative close-up to best showcase the applicant’s artistry and skill.

-Some of the repertoire requirements are longer than 20 minutes. Use your best judgment on which portions of the requirements to submit.

-YouTube/Google Drive link or file uploads are allowed.

-File name should be the title of the piece if samples are broken up into separate videos.

-File names and videos may not include your name or other personal information.

-Please provide the highest quality recordings possible and note a variety of selections within the guidelines is preferred.

-All submissions must be unedited except for purposes of shortening the submission or cutting separate selections together.

-Please save all recordings and videos in the event we need you to resubmit any of the materials.


Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)

Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.


Repertoire Requirements:

Please submit your repertoire list in the designated field on the application. Please list the pieces in the order they are submitted in the video section.


Repertoire (All From Memory):

· Prelude and Fugue, Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier (no repeats)

· One (1) sonata (complete movements) or other major work from Classical Period (no repeats)

· One (1) major work from the Romantic or Impressionist Period (no repeats)

· One (1) bravura etude or toccata (no repeats)

· One (1) contrasting composition from 20th or 21st century. Please provide the score if the piece was written after 1970.

 *Applicants are required to include at least one piece written by a composer with a historically underrepresented identity (including but not limited to a BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or woman composer).


After Submitting Your Application

You will receive a confirmation email immediately after successfully submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk filter settings. If you still have not received confirmation after submitting your application, please contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at

Applicants will be notified by or before Wednesday, February 19, 2025, as to whether they have been selected as a finalist.

The final audition is a live event from 6:00 - 8:00 PM CT on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at the Arts Club of Chicago. You must be available for the final audition at the time of your initial submission. Finalists will receive a $300 honorable mention award.


What to Bring to the Final Audition

Finalists will be asked to put together a 45-minute piano recital program. At a minimum, you must include at least one piece from each of the repertoire categories above. We encourage you to personalize your repertoire selection to best represent your skill and artistry. Bring three (3) copies of a list of your repertoire list to the audition, as well as three (3) copies of your sheet music. Jurors will request selections based off your repertoire list. Be prepared to perform any selections listed on your repertoire list. Audition slots are ten to twelve (10-12) minutes per finalist; therefore, jurors will not request every selection be performed.

Please note: there will not be a warm-up space provided for the finals, so please come warmed up!

Luminarts Classical Voice Fellowship

The Luminarts Classical Voice Fellowship awards a $15,000 Fellowship to two (2) classical vocalists per year. Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.

Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT.

***Please note audition schedules and selection processes are subject to change.***


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

· Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying

· Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop.

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.


Submission Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your application:

· Video recordings which will be reviewed by a panel of jurors;

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/Resume.

Read below for specific details about each of these components.


Video Recordings:

Applicants must attach video samples of excerpts from each of the repertoire categories listed below. You may record a video using a mobile device or other recording equipment, or submit professional recordings from performances. Your recordings will be used for judging purposes. You may submit one recording of all three requirements, or split requirements up into separate files. The total length of the recording must be no longer than 20 minutes.

Recordings that feature an accompanist are preferred. Recordings with play-along recordings are also acceptable.

· Some of the repertoire requirements are longer than twenty (and 20) minutes. Use your best judgement on which portions of the requirements to submit.

· YouTube link or file uploads are allowed.

· File name should be the title of the piece if samples are broken up into separate videos.

· File names and videos may not include your name or other personal information.

· Please provide the highest quality recordings possible and note a variety of selections within the guidelines is preferred.

· All submissions must be unedited except for purposes of shortening the submission or cutting separate selections together.

· Please save all recordings and videos in the event we need you to resubmit any of the materials.


Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)


Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.


Repertoire Requirements:

Please submit your repertoire list in the designated field on the submission application. Please list the pieces in the order they are submitted in the video section.


Voice Repertoire (all from memory, except #2 oratorio):

· One (1) aria from an opera in its original language

· One (1) aria from an oratorio in its original language

· One (1) art song in its original language


*Choose repertoire selections from a variety of languages.

*One piece must be composed and sung in English.

*One piece must be contemporary (1960 - Present).

*Applicants are required to include at least one piece written by a composer with a historically underrepresented identity (including but not limited to a BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or woman composer).

*To best showcase your talent jurors recommend you work with your accompanist to cut any music where the accompanist is playing for a long period of time.


After Submitting Your Application

You will receive a confirmation email immediately after successfully submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk filter settings. If you still have not received confirmation after submitting your application, please contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at

Applicants will be notified by or before Wednesday, March 19, 2025, as to whether they have been selected as a finalist.

The final audition is a live event from 6:00 - 8:00 PM CT on Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at the Union League Club of Chicago. You must be available for the final audition at the time of your application. Finalists will receive a $300 honorable mention award.

PLEASE NOTE: The finals event was originally scheduled for April 24 but has been rescheduled. The finals event will now take place on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.


What to Bring to the Final Audition

Voice finalists must provide their own accompanist.

Finalists will be asked to select repertoire for the final audition. At a minimum, you must include at least one piece from each of the repertoire categories above. We encourage you to personalize your repertoire selection to best represent your skill and artistry. Bring three (3) copies of a list of your repertoire to the audition, as well as three (3) copies of your sheet music. Jurors will request selections based off your repertoire list. Be prepared to perform any selections listed on your repertoire list. Audition slots are ten to twelve (10-12) minutes per finalist; therefore, jurors will not request every selection be performed.

Voice finalists must provide their own accompanist. If a selected piece does not have accompaniment, perform the piece as the composer intended it to be performed.

Winners will be announced live the night of April 30.


Warm-Up Room Information

Warm-up space cannot be guaranteed, so please come to the final audition warmed up.

Luminarts Visual Arts Fellowship

The Luminarts Visual Arts Fellowship is $10,000 per artist. Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.

The Visual Arts Fellowship awards excellence in Visual Arts (i.e., drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, and moving images). Visual Arts finalists will receive a $300 honorable mention award.

Please note that artists integrating a moving image/video into their work may apply and are welcome to submit short clips of the integrated pieces along with images of the overall installation. However, the Luminarts Visual Arts Fellowship program does not currently accept short films. 


Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT.

***Please note that selection processes are subject to change.***


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

-Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying

-Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop.

-Be available to install artwork in downtown Chicago on May 10 and/or 11, 2025. This is only required if you are selected as a finalist.

-Be available to attend the Visual Arts Exhibition Finals in downtown Chicago on Thursday, May 15, 2025, from 6:00-8:00 PM CT. This is only required if you are selected as a finalist. 

-The Visual Arts Exhibition will remain on view through Thursday, May 22, 2025, to allow you to invite visitors to the gallery. After the close of the exhibition, finalists must be available to deinstall their work on Friday, May 23, 2025.

-Please note that Luminarts Cultural Foundation is not responsible for finalists’ work while they are in our possession.

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.


Submission Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your application:


· Three (3) images of your artwork;

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/Resume.


Read below for specific details about each of these components.


Images of Your Artwork:

· Image resolution should be a minimum of 72 ppi;

· All image file sizes may not exceed 1 MB (video clip limit is 50 MB);

· File name should be the title of the piece; and

· Files and images may not include your name or other personal information.


All images submitted must be of artworks able to be installed in a shared gallery space within a limited period of time. In general, any hung piece should not exceed 60 inches in any direction and pieces to be hung on the wall should not weigh more than 20 pounds.* Space will be provided on the application to include details about each attached work. Please include the title, date, medium for each work, dimensions in inches. Example: My Art, 2023, Inkjet print, acrylic, and oil on canvas, 20 x 30″

*NOTE: If your work is over 60" in any direction, or weighs more than 20 pounds, please reach out to Luminarts staff with sizing information after receiving notification that you are a finalist. These larger works are not out of the question for the final exhibition, but Luminarts staff will need full information to make a decision.


Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)


Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.

Moving Image/Video Clip Guidelines:

Artists integrating a moving image/video into their work may apply and are welcome to submit short clips of the integrated pieces along with images of the overall installation. However, the Luminarts Visual Arts Fellowship Program does not currently accept short films. If submitting a moving image/video file:


· The file size may not exceed 50 MB

· The video length may not exceed three (3) minutes


Images and videos are reviewed by Luminarts jurors via Submittable. If a particular piece requires multiple angles or views then you may create one (1) image file with all views to be counted as one (1) submission/piece. Please exercise good judgment when submitting images and/or video. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us at for specific questions about file submission. Please note that if selected as a finalist you will be required to bring your own equipment for the installation. 


After Submitting Your Application

Applicants will be notified via email by Wednesday, April 16, 2025 regarding whether or not they have been selected as a Luminarts Visual Arts finalist. Fellowship awardees will be announced live on Thursday, May 15, 2025.

Luminarts Jazz Improvisation Fellowship

The Luminarts Jazz Improvisation Fellowship awards $10,000 Fellowships to jazz musicians through the performance of original, creative, and spontaneously improvised jazz music. Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.

Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CT.

***Please note that audition schedules and selection processes are subject to change.***

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

· Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying

· Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.

Submission and Preliminary Audition Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your initial application:

· Video recordings which will be reviewed by a panel of jurors;

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/Resume.

Read below for specific details about each of these components.

Video Recordings:

Applicants must attach video recordings of excerpts from each of the repertoire categories listed below. You may record a video using a mobile device or other recording equipment, or submit professional recordings from performances. Your recordings will be used for judging purposes. You may submit one recording of all three requirements, or split requirements up into separate files. The total length of the recording must be no longer than 20 minutes.

Recordings that feature an accompanist are preferred. Recordings with play-along recordings are also acceptable. Applicants should demonstrate knowledge and respect for the melody, and accuracy of improvising chord changes. Ensemble recordings that include the applicant as a soloist may also be used but must be edited down to include only the applicant’s solo sections. 

Applicants will submit three contrasting pieces:

-medium tempo blues

-up-tempo standard tune


*Each of these pieces should be in different keys.

*For the three contrasting pieces, different styles are encouraged.  While the above tempos are recommended, something down tempo, something medium and something up, and one of them must be a blues, we understand that those tempos do not always apply for different arrangements. Contrast in style and tempo are recommended, but ultimately up to the applicant as to how they want to showcase their playing ability.

*Applicants are required to include at least one piece written by a composer with a historically underrepresented identity (including but not limited to a BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or woman composer).

· YouTube link or file uploads are allowed.

· File name should be the title of the piece if samples are broken up into separate videos.

· File names and videos may not include your name or other personal information.

· Please provide the highest quality recordings possible and note a variety of selections within the guidelines is preferred.

· All submissions must be unedited except for purposes of shortening the submission or cutting separate selections together.

· Please save all recordings and videos in the event we need you to resubmit any of the materials.

For the preliminary round, the below is recommended (not required):

-Trumpet, saxophone, and trombone players will perform with piano (or guitar), bass, and drums.

-Guitarists will perform with bass and drums.

-Pianists will perform with bass and drums.

-Bassists will perform with piano (or guitar) and drums.

-Drummers will perform with piano (or guitar) and bass.

-Vocalists will perform with piano (or guitar) and drums.

Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)

Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.

After Submitting Your Application

You will receive a confirmation email immediately after successfully submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk filter settings. If you still have not received confirmation after submitting your application, please contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at

Applicants will be notified by Wednesday, March 5, 2024, as to whether they have been selected as a Luminarts Jazz Finalist.

The final audition is a live event from 6:00 - 8:00 PM CT on Thursday, April 3, 2025 at the Union League Club of Chicago. You must be available for the final audition at the time of your application. Finalists will receive a $300 honorable mention award.

What to Bring on the Final Audition

A jazz trio will be provided to accompany finalists. Do not bring your own accompanist.

-Finalists will be given a twelve (12) minute time slot

-Finalists will be asked to select repertoire for the final audition. At a minimum, you must include at least one piece from each of the repertoire categories above. We encourage you to personalize your repertoire selection to best represent your skill and artistry. 

-A professional trio will be provided for the audition. Do not bring your own accompanist.

-Finalists must bring three (3) lead sheets for the trio

-Finalists will be judged on their knowledge of standard jazz practices, artistry, and execution. The melodies and chord changes should be memorized.

-Judges may not ask to hear all three of your selections.

Warm-Up Room Information

Warm-up space cannot be guaranteed, so please come to the final audition warmed up.

Luminarts Creative Writing Fellowship


Luminarts Creative Writing Fellowship awards are $10,000 per artist. The Creative Writing Fellowship awards excellence in creative writing in the categories of poetry and/or prose (fiction and nonfiction). Luminarts Fellows are eligible to apply for additional project funding and professional development opportunities for 10 years after their initial fellowship. Applicants may reapply to the Luminarts Fellowship annually, but they are only eligible to receive the Fellowship award once.


Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CST.

***Please note audition schedules and selection processes are subject to change.***


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

· Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years old on the date of applying.

· Live within 150 miles of the Chicago Loop.

For questions about eligibility or more information about the Fellowship visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Program Director Alex Benjamin at or (312) 435-5961.


Submission Guidelines

There are four (4) components that must be attached to your application:

· A written piece(s) of your work, five (5) pages maximum length, single-spaced (excerpts of larger work are also allowed, but limited to five (5) pages);

· An artist statement outlining what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region;

· The name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference; and

· CV/ Resume.


Read below for specific details about each of these components.


Writing Submission(s)

You will have space to upload up to five (5) files. Together, these separate submissions must total no more than five (5) pages. Submissions greater than five (5) pages will not be considered.


All work is welcome. Luminarts encourages applicants to submit work that embraces exploration and risk-taking.



· Submit your writing in either poetry or prose. You must select one category, and all work submitted must fit under that category. Therefore, your submission will be all poetry or all prose. (Prose poetry should be categorized as poetry.)

· Your submission can be one piece no longer than five (5) pages; an excerpt no longer than five (5) pages from a longer work; or multiple pieces/excerpts which together are no longer than five (5) pages. You will have space to upload up to five (5) files. Submissions greater than five (5) pages will not be considered.

· Each document should be single-spaced, using 12 pt. type, in a standard academic font (i.e., Times New Roman, Cambria, Georgia, Arial, or Calibri).

· Please submit your piece in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)

· The .doc file name should be the title of the piece (example: "Catcher in the Rye.doc")

· Remove your name from all pages

· Write the title of your piece in the top left header of each page.

· Below the title indicate if the piece is poetry or prose (fiction or nonfiction as well, if prose)

· If your written piece is an excerpt of a larger body of work such as a novel or short story, space will be provided for you to attach the full piece in addition to the excerpt.

· If your piece is an excerpt, please indicate "excerpt" (you will also attach the full-length piece using the same guidelines, indicating "full piece").

· Edit the entire document for grammatical, spelling, or other unintended errors.


Artist Statement:

Your artist statement should outline what your career objectives are as an artist, how becoming a Luminarts Fellow would help support those objectives, and how you envision your art/career impacting the Chicago region. (250-500 words)


Professional/Educational Reference:

Space will be provided on the application to include the name, contact information, and relationship to one (1) professional or educational reference. Note that references may not be contacted as part of this process.


After Submitting Your Application

Applicants will be notified via email by or before Wednesday, April 2, 2025 regarding whether or not they have been selected as a Fellowship winner. Please do not contact Luminarts before April 2, 2025 regarding the status of your application.

If you are selected as a winner, you must be available on the evening of Thursday, May 1, 2025 for an awards ceremony and reading in downtown Chicago celebrating your Fellowship.


Your attendance on May 1, 2025 is required for your Fellowship award.

Luminarts has recently made revisions to the application process for Project Grants. Please read the information below in its entirety.


About the Project Grant Program

Luminarts Fellows may apply for funding of artistic projects for up to 10 years after they win their initial Fellowship. While Project Grants aim to support a broad and diverse scope of career development opportunities for Fellows, Project Grant proposals are strongest when they demonstrate a significant and pivotal impact both on the individual Fellow and on the Chicago region specifically. Applying for a project grant is a competitive process and not all applicants can be funded.


Luminarts Cultural Foundation cultivates Chicago’s vibrant arts community by supporting exemplary young artists through its competitive programs that offer financial awards, artistic opportunities, and mentoring that bridge the gap between education and career.

The mission of Luminarts Project Grants is to support a broad and diverse scope of creative work that develops Luminarts Fellows’ craft and careers, while benefiting the Chicago region.

The Project Grant Program’s goals include:

● To grant funds that help realize artists’ evolving vision and meet their individualized needs.

● To address gaps in local funding for early career artists who may lack institutional recognition.

● To support a diverse group of artists reflective of the city of Chicago and its cultural landscape.


Applications will be available on January 15, 2025, and must be submitted in full by March 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT. Late or incomplete applications will not be reviewed.


January 15, 2025: Grant applications will be available on the Luminarts website and Submittable.

March 15, 2025: Grant applications must be submitted in full via Submittable by 11:59 PM CT.

May 5, 2025: Fellows will be notified of the status of their application via email.

May 19, 2025: Luminarts will send a grant agreement to awarded grantees for signature.

June 16, 2025: Payments will be disbursed to awarded grantees pending successful completion of grant agreement.

February 16, 2026: Grant report questions will be made available to awarded grantees.

June 15, 2026: Grant reports due in full by awarded grantees.

Eligibility and Requirements

1. Applicants must be Luminarts Fellows awarded in 2015 or after.

2. While applicants are not required to live in the Chicago region, they must be able to demonstrate how the funded opportunity will directly benefit the Chicago region. 

-Benefit is defined as 1) involving Chicago artists, technicians, and/or other cultural workers in compensated, credited roles; 2) making the project available for Chicagoans to experience via public showings, performances, online distribution, etc; and/or 3) featuring Chicago in the themes or content of the project.

3. Luminarts grant awards are subject to all applicable taxes, fees, and other withholdings as required by awardees’ state/country of residence.

4. Applicants may request funding up to $5,000 per grant cycle. The request cannot exceed 50% of the total project cost/budget.

5.  All funding granted must be spent and accounted for by June 15, 2026.

6. Project must be completed and reported on by June 15, 2026.

-Please note that special cases arise in which projects are delayed or altered, and an extension may be granted if requested in writing to Alex Benjamin, Program Director, at

7. Fellows can receive Project Grant funding only one time per 12 month period. So, if you received a Project Grant on the October 15, 2024 deadline, you are not eligible for the March 15, 2025 deadline.

8. Fellows can receive project grant support totaling up to $15,000 within 10 years of being named a Fellow. After $15,000 or 10 years, whichever comes first, you are no longer eligible for Luminarts project grant funding.

9. Project discussion with Luminarts staff prior to submitting an application is encouraged but not required. Contact Alex Benjamin, Program Director, at with questions or to set up a meeting.

General Guidelines

1. While these grants may be used for a broad array of artistic projects, applicants must demonstrate how the funding will achieve the artist’s professional and personal goals, and how the funded project will in turn benefit the Chicago region (see Eligibility #2a).

2. Projects need not be fully “fleshed out” with complete timelines and confirmed venues, but it must be clear to the review panel that it will be feasible for the applicant to complete the project within one year of receiving funding.

3. Projects are more likely to be funded when they exhibit:

-other funding sources that are already confirmed or highly likely;

-a well-thought-out timeline with dates/date ranges, equipment, realistic cost estimates, personnel, and venues in mind or already confirmed, if applicable;

-clear connection between the applicant’s goal(s) for the project and the plan for execution.

4. All awarded grantees must mention Luminarts Cultural Foundation's contribution in marketing and/or PR materials.

5. Fellows are encouraged to consider how their project might be beneficial to other emerging artists and Fellows.

6. Project grants are for projects rather than solely for equipment or instrument purchases. Applications for equipment or instrument purchases will be considered if situated within a larger project with professional/personal goal(s) that will benefit the Chicago region.

7. Please see application form for more specific guidelines on sections of the application.



Luminarts is committed to ensuring equity within its programs and welcomes applicants, artists, audience members, and supporters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status.

Review Process

1. Eligibility Screening

Luminarts staff will screen applications for eligibility and pass eligible applications on to the review panel.

2. Panel Review

Applications that meet eligibility requirements will be reviewed by a panel charged with reviewing eligible proposals, discussing projects’ merit and feasibility, making comments, and assigning numerical scores using the rubric (below).

3. Funding Recommendations

The review panel makes funding recommendations to Luminarts staff. The staff’s role is to facilitate all steps of the review process, and aid the panel in finding consensus.

Scoring Rubric

1. Project Feasibility (25%)

-Is the project feasible within the granting timeline?

-Is the budget realistic?

-Is the timeline realistic?

-Is the application complete and understandable, providing an adequate idea of the project as a whole as well as its component parts?

2. Impact on Applicant (25%)

-Will the project help the applicant towards professional and personal goals?

-Are those goals clear and well-defined, with direct connection to the project?

3. Impact on Community (25%)

-Will the project benefit the Chicago region?

-Benefit is defined as 1) involving Chicago artists, technicians, and/or other cultural workers in compensated, credited roles; 2) making the project available for Chicagoans to experience via public showings, performances, online distribution, etc; and/or 3) featuring Chicago in the themes or content of the project.

4. Artistic Merit (25%)

-Is the project clear and compelling?

-Was it easy to understand the goals and benefits of the project?

-Does the project, along with applicant’s other work, bring fresh perspective to artistic concepts or societal issues?

Please use this form to report on your project funded in the October 15, 2023 Luminarts Grant Cycle.

This report is due by February 1, 2025.

Luminarts Cultural Foundation